A standard laptop battery easily lasts a couple of months if you use it to the extreme or even upto 4-5years if taken care of properly.
Today I'm going to share with you all a few tips that I've learned over the years through personal experiences and implementations.
How to increase Laptop battery life
Use External Power source– Connecting your laptop to a wall power outlet is the easiest and safest way by which you can preserve the much valuable battery life. Put your laptop on charge whenever and wherever possible. This puts your machine on the AC current rather than the battery pack, if you use heavy applications like Maya, Auto Cad, After effects or even gaming its adviced that you avoid using the battery for your power needs.Keep it Cool – Heat is the gravest enemy of any computing device especially if its a laptop whose components are closely packed. Use a cooling pad / laptop cooler or keep your laptop in a position that all the air vents are perfectly opened and there is no obstruction to block them. Keeping it on a hard surface is advisable and keep cleaning the vents of any dust at regular intervals. You may visit here for a few tips on how to keep your laptop cool.
Optimize the Power Profile – Every Operating System has a power management option, for instance in Windows you can go to Control Panel\System and Security\Power Options and choose the power profile of your choice. Choosing the 'Balanced' mode is preferable.
Nowadays laptops come with discrete GPUs or Graphic Cards that have their own graphic drivers like the AMD engine vision control for AMD and repectively for Nvidia as well. Optimize their power options from the respective drivers.
Remove Battery when not needed –Many times we don't carry our laptop with us for a while especially while going on a vacation or something like that. Before you do that make sure that you have discharged your laptop battery to a 50% level and below the 70% mark.
Now remove the battery pack and store it separately in a cool dry place, its a myth that you can store a 100% charged battery without causing any harm to it.
This way you'll increase the laptop battery life as well make you laptop safe from any spillage or leakage that might have accidentally occurred.
Turn off the Lights – With the advent of ultra-books and easy availability of gaming laptops like Alienware one should avoid the usage of backlit keyboards and other power leaching options. When in open light make sure that your keyboard's back-lights are turned off and extra features like gaming lights on models like Alienware are turned off when not needed or atleast when not being used for gaming.
This helps you save a lot of battery and make it live longer and stronger.
These are a few simple points that if kept in mind will definitely increase your Laptop's battery life. If you have any queries or suggestions for improvement then do leave a comment below.
Hi, again.
ReplyDeleteI wana buy a battery for my dell inspirion N5010 laptop. The original battery is of 'Capacity 48Wh' and rating '11.1V', whatever it means.
So, while I am browsing online stores for this particular battery, I am coming across various details.
while this battery is supposed to be compatible with my laptop,
the voltage is of 10.8 and capacity 4400mAh.
I dont get this. Is this battery compatible with my inspiron N5010 or not? Will the voltage and capacity difference cause issues with the laptop?
Thank you!
DeleteThe battery you've selected is fine and will work with your laptop but will give you a lesser run time of around 20 minutes in comparison to your old battery when it was brand new as it is 500mWh weaker. No it will not have any effects on your components or laptop in general.
But still I suggest that you buy this battery instead as it is of the exact match to your machine's specifications and you won't feel any compatibility issue aswell with your charger what so ever.
Feel free to ask any further questions.
Any idea about how much backup this battery will provide? Also according to you, which is the best linux based os? Just for general use like editing docs, internet surfing and for watching movies? I was thinking about ubuntu. Still would like to know your thoughts on it.
DeleteThnk you.
It will last easily around 2.5-3 hours on general/mild usage. Its a good enough backup for a battery of this potential.
DeleteYeah Ubuntu is the best Linux based OS out there. As many software and programs are readily available for it gives it a more flexible & user friendly approach.
Use Ubuntu especially if you are going to start using Linux for the first time.
Also, the guy at the repair shop told me to always use the battery. If you use the laptop without battery, directly connected to the externel power source, the laptop will get heated more than usual.
ReplyDeleteAnd in your article, you said always put your laptop on charge. Well, doesnt that shorten the battery life? If you keep the charger on even after the battery hit 100℅?
He is correct when he says that but what he didn't specify was that you should not put your laptop on charger all the time especially for small and mild tasks. But as you can read in my article usage of a direct AC supply is required when you tend to do heavy duty work on your machine as heavy gaming or rendering not only drains the battery very quickly putting strain on it but also the variable current demands make the battery work double time.
DeleteYour power supply only acts as charger until battery is fully charged. Once the battery is fully charged your power supply stops the charging process and acts soley as a power supply. So in short, use the laptop on charger for heavy tasks only and let the battery deplete otherwise.
The phenomenon of overcharging only used to be there in early years now batteries use smart algorithms that takes the battery off of charging once its fully charged eliminating that notion of 'overcharging'
Feel free to ask nay further questions.
Okay. One more thing, as I am replacing windows with ubuntu, I wanted to know whether I'll be able to use the remaining space on the drive on which ubuntu is installed?
ReplyDeleteI have already made a separate drive of 30gb for ubuntu. Is it enough? will I be able o use the remaining space on that drive once ubuntu is installed?
Yes you can pretty much like any other OS, even if you don't create any partition on a drive and install an OS in a single partition drive only then also whatever space is left after the OS files is usable by any other Program for any purpose what so ever.
Delete30GB is good enough for Ubuntu so don't worry.
okay. I have already ordered the battery you suggested. Will let you know about its backup once it arrives.
ReplyDeleteThanks alott for all the help :)..
Hey, happy to hear that.
DeleteWill be waiting for your feedback.
Keep visiting.
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