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This is a blog which provides different type of eBooks links which are available in different websites. It has all types of eBook categories to download. It includes education books, technology books, blogging books, Internet, Marketing, Hacking, How to guides and so many categories are there. You may request some of your favorite books which are not available in that blog.
10-Free Ebooks
This site has mainly 4 categories. They are Fiction , non fiction, academic, Textbooks. Here academic and textbooks are useful for students and fiction contains drama, cinema, and some story books are available, and non fiction contains the remaining eBook categories they are computers, internet, philosophy, psychology, science, fitness etc . In this site registration is required to download the free eBooks.
This was my favorite list of the top 10 sites to download Ebooks for free from. If you know of any more than do leave a comment I'll definitely include it in my list.
Free Computer Books
Free Computer Books
Free Computer Books
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ReplyDeleteIts a hard nut to crack, the hard copies of Durjoy Datta's novels are so easily available that no-one is bothered to upload their soft copies.
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