Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Recover deleted files on Windows

Many a times you end up accidently deleting an important file or even a bunch of files inside a folder either on your portable devices, PC or laptops. This is really problematic and traumatic even for many. But not to worry today I have a solution to this issue in a way that even a kindergarten kid can execute it!
You can recover deleted files on your Windows PC’s internal/external hard drive, SD card or any other external drive using UndeleteMyFiles Pro software. It is not freeware, but you can download a free trial for 10days time period from any reliable download site.
You can use the program to search for deleted files quickly and easily and restore them to a specific location. It is very easy to recover deleted files using this software. Here is how:

1. Download and Install UndeleteMyFiles Pro. Here’s the link: UndeleteMyFiles Pro – CNET Download.com
2. Run UndeleteMyFiles Pro and click on the File Rescue icon on the main screen.
3. On the File Rescue screen, select the drive that contains the file(s) you’ve deleted accidentally and wish to recover.
4. Click the Scan button at the bottom of the screen.
5. After the scan is complete, a list of deleted files appears. Click on the checkboxes next to the file(s) you want to restore and click the Recover button.
6. A Browse For Folder dialog box appears. Browse for the folder which you want to restore deleted files to and click OK.

A warning message appears if you’ve selected a folder to restore deleted files to in the same drive from which the files were deleted. It is recommended to restore the files to a different drive location.
Again a dialog box appears asking if you want to recover the file(s)to a specific location directly or to recover it/them with their previous directory path. Click Yes to recover the file(s] to a specific location or click No to recover it/them OR] orig/them with their original directory path.
After completion of the recovery process, a dialog box appears to display the statistics about the process. Click OK.


  1. is it possible to recover deleted files even after the drive has been filled with some other data. coz i have used recuva, stella phenix pro etc and cudnt recover files. they show the files overwritten by some other files.
    Another question is once a drive is wiped using ccleaner 1 pass can data be recovered?

    1. Data recovery is not based on some hard and fast rule, so when you use a software to recover data there is absolutely no possibility to calculate the success rate.
      But yes one thing is sure if the data has just been deleted recently and not much activity of read write has taken place especially in that particular drive partition then you might be able to recover them. A data over-written once or twice and fairly recent has good chances of recovery even with the above mentioned tools. In your case I suppose its am old data in a drive that has undergone multiple active sessions.
      CCleaner pass 1 is not a difficult method to be undone. You can recover the files especially files that were large and occupied multiple sectors on the drive. Even TuneUp Utilities data recovery can work on this to some extent.
      Yes but pass 7 is not possible at all, you need sophisticated techniques and tools to do so.

  2. so which software do you recommend to be used for recovering data when ccleaner pass 1 has been carried out . Can i recover deleted videos on ipods and mobile phones when ccleaner pass 1 has been done. i cudnt recover anything using the above mentioned softwares. The video name was displayed but it was shown as unrecoverable. plz help if possible.

    1. iPods and SD cards use electric circuits rather than magnetic disk to store data like in a HDD so the recovery might be possible in your case.
      You've used pass 1 and might've been using the device for long after that but still you can try.
      First try it with the SD card by plugging it in your computer and downloading this software which I personally use:

      Scan it like you generally do and try the recovery process it should work.

    2. K ill try with this method. I recovered some videos on ipod before but when i played them there was no video only some other song audio.i hope d above method wrks

    3. Yes that is because the software could retrieve the old deleted video address on the drive but some other song was either stored on it afterwards or was deleted as-well. So it retrieved to conflicting files on the same address and compiled them into a single file.
      This is why we say that retrieving a data is more difficult when the drive is used after the deletion or the data to be retrieved becomes very old.

      Try this method and Inform me if it works and even if it doesn't we'll try to figure out another way for you.

  3. its a paid software and doesnt offer copy for evaluation. it scans the files but doesnt recover them. have to register to recover it. and i dont want to pay for a software unless i know it will recover my data. some suggestions plz

    1. i tired using undeletemyfiles for my ipod and it gave an error "cannot read boot sector of e" e being my ipod

    2. You've already used Recuva and yes you are correct a paid software won't guarantee anythings either.
      Sorry to say but you cannot retrieve your file with any of the general softwares now, you need to contact a professional who can manually do it for you. Your device has undergone multiply sessions of use so that file has been over-written numerous times.
      That error is simply coz when a retrieving software or anti-virus or any other scanning tool performs a scan it needs permission from both the user and the device. iPod doesn't grant access like these so it will not work on your iPod yes for SD card it might work.
      I apologize that I couldn't solve your problem

  4. k coz even when i recover files they dont hv extensions and have names such as 590F75ABA9E485486C100C1A9D4FF06FIRCVSCXGGBWKFNQ. no worries incase u think of smtin do let me know

    1. Yes it happens with me as-well, that's a clear case of junk or gibberish data.
      I'll definitely keep you in mind and inform you as and when I get my hands on something.
