Sunday, 12 May 2013


Hey there i'll show you huys how to shutdown, restart & log off another PC by using a very simple trick. All you need to know is the victim's IP address and PC name, thats it. It works on all versions of Windows so there is nothing much to worry about.

How To Do It??

Step 1. Open Start Menu and type "shutdown -i" (without quotation marks) in the run section of older version of Windows till XP and in Search Programs and files section in Windows Vista and higher. Hit enter

Step 2. A new Window will open namely as Remote Shutdown Dialogue in which click on the Add button. Here enter the victim's IP address in this format- and enter the victim's PC name in the foemat abc_pc where 'abc' is the victim's PC name. Click on OK.

Step 3. Now select the action that you want to perform with the victim's PC from the drop-down menu, like here i've chosen "restart" you can choose anything you like. Id you want to warn the victim about this acton just select the check box "Warn users of the action" then set time, display warning for 30 sec or more.

Step 4. Now in Shutdown Event Tracker check the Planned Box if not checked by default. From the drop-down menu select Application: Installation Planned.

Step 5. You can type the comments that would be displayed on the victim's PC. The victim will see the comment with the time that you have set.

Thats it you're work is done in no time :)

If you have any questions or problems regarding this please feel free to post your doubts, they'll be cleared ASAP.


  1. i have planning for a gaming pc under 35000 with intel processor and display mointer

    1. Hello,
      For a budget of 35K including monitor the follow would be the best configuration--

      Processor: Intel i5 4130 3.2Ghz LGA 1150 Rs 8000
      Motherboard: Asus B85 GAMER Rs 5000
      RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR3 8 GB (4GB+4GB) Rs 3800
      HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1 TB 7200RPM Rs 3700
      Graphic Card: PowerColor R7 250X 1 GB GDDR5 Rs. 6000
      PSU: Corsair VS550 550 Watt Rs 3300
      Cabinet: Zebronics Duke Full Tower Rs. 1500
      Monitor: Dell 22 inch LED - E2215HV Monitor Rs. 7500

      I'd suggest that if you have a monitor right now then don't buy a new one but simply use its budget to get the Intel i5 4440 processor along with the Zotac GTX 750Ti Graphics Card since that will make your PC quite powerful and future proof interms of games.
      Feel free to ask any further questions.
